Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Im BAck with alot of haul post for you guys

Since I stopped working, due to my husband's work. I have more time to do videos and have opened up a more casual blogsite  I am currently here in washington visiting husband for a few months.  Thank you for your  support. just for a starter. You guys have asked to show some of my faves betsey johnson jewelry collection. I have slow down on collecting BJ jewelry because i have a full pink tool box for it and its getting out of hand i will show you guys photo from my ipone because for some reason i like to take a picture of anything I owned. So here are some..And when I get back to hawaii and back to my closet that you guys love, I will show them again :)
These are just earrings that are packed all together. There are 5 sets of different BJ jewelry in each drawers.
and here are some of my fave that I cant let go

So If you guys want to see more i will upload more in another post :0

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